Monday 4 February 2008

Back to the docs...and a sneeze!

Another lovely morning sunny and bright, but cold. Marg and I checked through the drug store that is my supply and realised that in a couple of days I'd need some more. So we made a list (a long list!) and made an appointment to see the doc to get a prescription. I was quite pleased to go because I wanted a little reassurance. You see, some days I feel pretty good, others feel like I've been hit by a freight train.

So in the surgery the doc gave me the once over. I seem to be doing pretty well by and large. he checked me out thouroughly, BP and pulse, checked the scars, asked how I felt and so on. I told him how I felt a bit up and down sometimes. He gave me a good talking to, I suppose you could say.

I've just had a pretty big job done (he said) I've had my chest opened, my heart stopped for at least half an hour, been on a heart/lung machine, a ventilator and had my kidneys fail - all within the last 3 weeks. So do I expect to feel on top of the world?

I suppose when it's put like that maybe I am asking rather a lot from this body of mine. I left the surgery feeling pretty good on the whole and Marg took me for a short drive in the car really just for a change of scene, which I enjoyed.

This evening, befre posting this blog though, I sneezed. All I can say to anyone following my path is for goodness sake, don't sneeze! I daren't open my eyes in case I saw my lungs gracfully draped over the wall opposite, sliding down toward the floor! Yes, it hurt - lots! but everything held together, and now I'm no worse for it. But it's most definately an eperience to miss if you have any choice about it!

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