Tuesday 11 December 2007

The Letter

Well, it's here. I got home today and went through the post and there it was. A sort of anonymous brown envelope addressed to me with "in confidence" written in the window part. I knew even before opening it that it was from Castle Hill. So, it seems I have to go through to Hull on the 9th of January for a pre op assessment and to check i haven't got any infection(s). I think this must be to check for MRSA a so called superbug that is resistant to anti-biotics and is frequently picked up in hospital. I'm pretty sure that I'm ok, though one can never really tell until after the test, but it's nice to know that they take such care.

From what I understand the actual operation will be withing the next couple of weeks from the 9th, so it's all systems go now. I'm really quite relieved to get the letter as i was just starting to wonder if something had gone wrong and I was going to be delayed for longer. Anyway, it looks like next year will be pretty momentous, in one way or another. I'm looking forward to spring!

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