Monday 17 September 2007

The G.P. Meeting

Well I’ve now found out how to avoid those annoying little typos and misspellings that have plagued my previous posts. I simply write the post in word, do the spell check then copy and paste into the blog – simple eh.

I had an appointment today with my GP. I’m a patient of a group practise and I’d never met this lady before. It was a fairly sobering experience. As she went on discussing how the angio had gone and so on, it became clear that she was concerned about several things, not least of which was my job, which is fairly physical.

In the end I asked her straight out (bearing in mind my daughters wedding) that If it meant being unable to walk her down the aisle, then I’d rather not have the op.

She replied straight from the shoulder, that I had a lot more chance of walking her down the aisle by having the op than by not having it. I then asked if I didn’t have it, would I still be here in five years. She was pretty guarded in her answer, but made it clear that I would be much better off having the operation than not having it and that statistically the odds were in favour of the operation, rather than doing nothing.

That’s quite a sobering thought

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