Friday, 4 April 2008

Onward and upward...

Well after the scare the other day it was back to normal yesterday. I'd had to miss my previous session at the gym, but went back to yesterdays. My favourite little twelve year old has gone (I think she's doing some more exams) and the lady in charge yesterday looked a good bit older - maybe in her 20s!

Whatever, she certainly put us through our paces, although she was particularly careful to make sure I didn't over exert myself. I actual fact, I quite enjoy these sessions. As you see the same faces each time it becomes almost a social experience, and one or two laughs ensue.

Having done the session Marg picked me up and we went home. It was only later that the muscle aches hit! My legs ached pretty well, but my chest muscle (presumably the one that has to be cut through) really did hurt. Turning over in bed proved to be a rather exciting experience - sort of moving in easy stages and waiting for the pain to die down before moving on again. That's not too bad, as long as you're awake, but if you're asleep, you don't do that, and it proves to be something that brings out the motor trade language in me. I have a feeling Marg was maybe a little shocked...

I'm starting to feel more like I'm ready to go back to work now, though. In fact I'd rather like to give it a go. I know some of the lifting will be right out the window for the moment - and maybe for quite a while yet, but I miss the banter and the general atmosphere of work, and it give you back a pattern to your life, which I'm missing at the moment.

I have an appointment with Mr Choudrhi on the 15th of this month during which I'd like to find out if the breathless episode is anything to worry about, but after that, I'm hoping for a return to work chitty and back at it.

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