Monday, 28 April 2008

Its Monday, so it must be gym day...

...except today, it wasn't. Each time we visit the gym we're asked if we have had any new symptoms since our last visit. Of course I had to explain about the faint and so on. Every bodies (except mine) faces got longer as I explained about running for the bus and being pretty daft really. First there was a long delay in letting me start the warm up until the nurse in charge got my notes, then the notes were not available so she decided not to take any chances and checked my Blood Pressure.

I'm pretty sure she knew what to expect and what is happening seems to be this; Just at the moment I seem to have a fairly low BP if I stand up suddenly. The nurse (Jessica) tested it by having me sit, feet elevated on a sort of divan thing for about 15 / 20 minutes. She then took my BP, left the cuff in place and asked me to stand up quickly. I did, and my BP seemed like it dropped quite impressively. Maybe this is the reason for Fridays episode, I don't know. Certainly it could account for my feeling faint after working in the garden with Marg on Saturday.

Anyway, todays gym was a bit of a washout. I didn't do my cicuits, and eventually left early as I was a bit cheesed off and felt like I was the centre of everyones attention.

So, it's back to work on Thursday. I had a word with our boss man tonight and he thinks his boss may want me to work inside for a little while. I'm not to sure about that, I've always just driven the van, but I only work there, so I'll do what they ask within reason. Actually my employers have been brilliant throughout this protracted sick leave. They've paid me right through, which I didn't expect them to, but I can't tell you how grateful I am that they have. Its made a tremendous difference to me, not having to worry about money - after all 3 months without pay is a long time. So thank you Motor Parts, I won't forget how I've been treated.

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