Monday, 24 March 2008

How quickly...

How quickly we take things for granted. Today Marg and I went for a walk. We were out for about an hour-an-a-half or maybe two hours during which time we covered about four miles, completing the last bit in the teeth of a biting northerly wind and snow. Only six months ago this would have had me on my knees. People who know me know that I was unable to walk at any speed - even when we were relaxed and on holiday.
A look back to the post about our family holiday in Majorca would confirm that. A gentle slope would have me gasping for breath, a cool wind would produce an angina attack as surely as night follows day.

All this has changed. Now, my legs are likely to give up on me before my heart does, they certainly were aching by the time we got back today, but so were Margs, so that's not so bad. It all seems so long ago now, but it's only a matter of a few months. I still get the some chest pain, but generally I can cope with it, and it's from the cutting of the breastbone, not Angina. I'm pretty well off pain killers now and my major problem is sleeplessness, but again, I'm sure that will get better with increasing activity.

In short I now enjoy a new life. I have a couple of pretty impressive scars, and as I rarely wear a tie one of them could prove to be a talking point and the other won't be visible until I don my shorts. You may be waiting a long time for that!

My life has changed totally - and how quickly I'm taking it for granted, and how hard I have to try to remember the old days and appreciate the miracle that has been achieved.

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