Thursday, 6 March 2008

Back to the docs

I had to revisit my GP this morning. The infection along my chest woud still hasn't cleared up. I have a feeling that it's fading a little, but it's only marginal, if at all. She examined me again and prescribed more antibiotics which I shall take as required. One thing has been ruled out, MRSA. I'm grateful for that. I'm not sure how I'd go on if I got the dreaded MRSA as well as all this other stuff.

I'm still a bit sore and achy from yesterdays drive, but I'm not as down as I was yesterday. Its a strange thing how we just expect out bodies to recover in a a few weeks from what has been major surgery, but we do. Or at least I do


Pete said...

Hi wanted to say thanks for the blog
i am about 2 weeks behind you op on 29th Jan
The blog and your work have helped me a lot
i have a question on the chest pain can you describe it.
mine is like a dull ache in the centre or right and often i get a feeling like acid reflux but it isn't

Pete O'Neill

Verb said...

Hello Pete, and welcome. I'm glad you like the blog, and if it helps at all, I'm really pleased.

As for the pain you mentioned. Well it sounds pretty much the same as mine, except I don't get any gastric problems. The pain itself isn't really dramatic - it just goes on and on and somehow just wears me down a bit. I don't know if you had a Mammary Artery used in your by pass, but I did, and apparently this takes some time to heal properly as it's buried deep inside the chest muscles. I know (and so do you) that it will get better, and when I compare myself to a fortnight earlier I can see and feel a difference. I wish you well, Pete, and feel free to contribute if you wish.
