Thursday, 28 February 2008

A visit from the nurse

A few days ago I got a phone call from the district nurse asking if she could come and check thinkgs out with me, just to make sure that the scars were healing ok and so on. Well she came the day before yesterday and what a mine of information she was. She gave me the once over, checking that nothing was going wrong on the outside at least, then went on to check my BP and pulse rate and so on.

She than asked if I had any questions. I just had to raise the one about the pain I've been having. It's really tricky, because you wonder if you're just being a wimp, but the pain has been really getting to me for days now. I seem to take the tablets, but they don't give any relief. She listened carefully, then checked my tablets and the dosage. It seems like I have been taking them in the wrong way. Instead of taking the tablest in turn at roughly two hour intervals, I need to take them as a cocktail. She explained this very carefully to us both, and theres no doubt there is a vast improvement in pain reduction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.