Friday, 29 February 2008


Yesterday morning I got up and took my normal shower. As always I checked out my chest wound in the mirror and it looked OK. For some reason I couldn't be bothered to have a shave, and just got dressed ready for a walk. Of course She-who-must-be-obeyed said something like "Get a shave you scruffy old man", and wanting a quiet life I had one.

It was only after I took off my shirt that I saw the angry red / pink marks running alongside the cut. I knew there were not there 2 hours earlier, and had Marg take a look. She thought it looked infected (so did I) and a visit to the docs was called for. So we went, and now I have even more tablets to take, this time they are a variation of penicillin.

I only hope it clears up before I see Mr Choudrhi next Tuesday

Thursday, 28 February 2008

A visit from the nurse

A few days ago I got a phone call from the district nurse asking if she could come and check thinkgs out with me, just to make sure that the scars were healing ok and so on. Well she came the day before yesterday and what a mine of information she was. She gave me the once over, checking that nothing was going wrong on the outside at least, then went on to check my BP and pulse rate and so on.

She than asked if I had any questions. I just had to raise the one about the pain I've been having. It's really tricky, because you wonder if you're just being a wimp, but the pain has been really getting to me for days now. I seem to take the tablets, but they don't give any relief. She listened carefully, then checked my tablets and the dosage. It seems like I have been taking them in the wrong way. Instead of taking the tablest in turn at roughly two hour intervals, I need to take them as a cocktail. She explained this very carefully to us both, and theres no doubt there is a vast improvement in pain reduction.

Saturday, 23 February 2008

An update

It's nearly a week now since I wrote to the blog so maybe it's time for an update. By and large, it's been a pretty good week. I've had my ups and downs, but things are generally improving - slowly. The chest pain is still something that I do battle with daily. It seems worst when I wake up and later in the evening. My walking distance has improved markedly. I can now walk probably a couple of miles without any distress. I may get a little breathless, but that is nothing compared to how it used to be.

One thing that is causing me a little concern though is my digestive system. I think worry is too strong a word for it, but I'm a bit concerned by it. It seems that no matter how hungry I feel - and sometimes I feel very hungry - I can only eat maybe half of my meal before I start to feel nauseous. I rarely am actually sick, but it seems to happen with almost every meal. Also my weight seems to be piling on again in spite of the problem. I lost nearly 2 stone in hospital (that's 28 pounds for trans Atlantic readers), and I was hoping to keep it off, especially as the doc wants even more off, but my weight keeps increasing. I have no idea how to counteract this. I don't eat much - less than the rest of my family, and yet I seem to be putting on about a pound a week.

I suppose being diabetic doesn't help, but it's a funny going on when I take more exercise than for many years, eat less than I used to and generally live a healthier life the weight just keeps going up. How do you explain that then?

Sunday, 17 February 2008

A tip for the pain...

I don't want to sound ungrateful, but sometimes pain is a real issue. Even now, just over a month since the op I have problems with it. I suppose it's the same old story, I get good days and bad days. Yesterday was a bad one. I spent nearly all day muttering and grizzling about how much my chest hurt. It wears people down - including me. Marg, has got problems of her own. I think all the stress and worry has caused her to have a recurrance of her old injury, the neck spasm and frozen shoulder, and that's no joke either, believe me. Life is such fun in our house just now...

I've been popping painkillers like they're going out of fashion, sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Its definately a series of high and lows. I get terrific pleasure from walking at a reasonable speed, but sometimes the nights are sleepless and painful. I think I may have stumbled onto an answer though.

As I said Marg, has been suffering from a frozen shoulder, and Cheryl loaned her a "wheat bag", I'd never heard of these, but they are rather like the bean bags you used to get in school, but longer and loosely filled with wheat seeds. You simply pop them in the microwave for a minute or so to warm up and drape them over the affected part. The relief is amazing! I stole Margs for a few hours overnight (she sleeps reasonably ok, while I don't) and had my first decent night for - well for a long time. I feel so much better today - in fact I'm writing this before I get dressed.

It's later now, and we've been for a walk. I just worked it out and I reckon that we covered just under two miles in about 45 minutes! Thats going some - at least compared to how slow I used to be. I feel so much better on the whole, and I don't want to give the wrong impression. While pain is a problem, it's not insurmountable, and the feeling I get from a good brisk walk I can't put into words. Slightly under two miles and slightly over one month from the op - now that looks pretty good to me!

Thursday, 14 February 2008

Valentines Day

Today is Valentines Day, the annual argument day in our house. Ever since I've known Marg I've never bought her a valentine. Its something that I loathe somehow. I always feel like I'm being manipulated by the marketing industry and I just rebel against it. Marg, on the other and thinks it's "nice" and something that does no harm. We differ - strongly at times. However, this year is the exception that proves the rule. I remember how wonderful it was to see her when I was feeling at deaths door in hospital, and resolved not to be so petty and tightfisted - so...

I did it! I bought her some ridiculously overpriced red roses, and arranged delivery to her work. I swallowed my pride, clenched my credit card firmly and paid on (and through) the nose! Then sat back waiting for the hugs and kisses...

Well, the best laid plans...I arranged for the flowers to be delivered to her work - and Marg went to the docs the day before delivery (when it was about 30 seconds too late to alter anything) and got herself put off sick. As I write this, she's sat downstairs, gently moaning with pain, and the flowers are speeding their way to the other side of the city!

Sometimes life really IS a bugger, don't you think?

Wednesday, 6 February 2008

The last daily post

I’ve been thinking about the blog. I don’t want it to become a succession of posts all saying virtually the same thing. There is no doubt that I’m feeling better, stronger and fitter than I did when I left hospital, but there is a limit on how many times I can repeat that. The next event of any importance is my return to Hull to see Mr Choudhris team again and see how I’m going on, but that isn’t until March 3rd. I’ll post the results and hopefully a progress report too, but this will be the last of my daily postings.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Another day, another target...

I've had quite a good day today. Somehow it's been on more of an even keel, I suppose. Most days I wake up and tend to rush around, making efforts to do things and getting breathless and fed up. Today I paced myself a little more and feel better for it.

Near where we live is a huge shopping park. Its something of a mixed blessing, but it does provide an easy yardstick as to how much progress I'm making with walking. Over the past week I have gradually worked on increasing the distance slightly each day, and today I reached our first shop. Today Argos, tomorrow B&Q, then Tesco, then who knows.

I also realised that a short sleep in the afternoon gives back much more time that it takes. Normally since leaving hospital I've been tired and I suppose a bit irritable by 9 pm. This afternoon I has a short kip, say 45 minutes or maybe an hour, and I feel much better this evening. I'm not up to taking she-who-must-be-obeyed out for a bop yet, but I feel much less tired and in a better frame of mind. Here's hoping it continues.

On another note, my daughter, Cheryl tells me she sent a link to the blog to her friend in Australia. So welcome Trish (or Oz, if you prefer), hope you're having a bonza time, and if you make it to the wedding I'll be glad to shake your hand. Cheers kiddo

Monday, 4 February 2008

Back to the docs...and a sneeze!

Another lovely morning sunny and bright, but cold. Marg and I checked through the drug store that is my supply and realised that in a couple of days I'd need some more. So we made a list (a long list!) and made an appointment to see the doc to get a prescription. I was quite pleased to go because I wanted a little reassurance. You see, some days I feel pretty good, others feel like I've been hit by a freight train.

So in the surgery the doc gave me the once over. I seem to be doing pretty well by and large. he checked me out thouroughly, BP and pulse, checked the scars, asked how I felt and so on. I told him how I felt a bit up and down sometimes. He gave me a good talking to, I suppose you could say.

I've just had a pretty big job done (he said) I've had my chest opened, my heart stopped for at least half an hour, been on a heart/lung machine, a ventilator and had my kidneys fail - all within the last 3 weeks. So do I expect to feel on top of the world?

I suppose when it's put like that maybe I am asking rather a lot from this body of mine. I left the surgery feeling pretty good on the whole and Marg took me for a short drive in the car really just for a change of scene, which I enjoyed.

This evening, befre posting this blog though, I sneezed. All I can say to anyone following my path is for goodness sake, don't sneeze! I daren't open my eyes in case I saw my lungs gracfully draped over the wall opposite, sliding down toward the floor! Yes, it hurt - lots! but everything held together, and now I'm no worse for it. But it's most definately an eperience to miss if you have any choice about it!

Saturday, 2 February 2008

So, week since discharge and I'm feeling pretty good by and large. Marg and I went for a walk this morning. Near our house is a small lake. On a summer evening it's a pleasant walk around it, and I wanted to give it a go this morning. Again, it was cold, but that holds no terrors for me now, so we set off. About half-way round there is a small rise, hardly worthy of being called a hill, but it used to stop me pretty well every time. Today I zoomed up it - no problem!

The only fly in the ointment was that the way back home was very muddy, so we detoured around the streets. That proved to be a a bridge too far, in a manner of speaking. I made it round, but I was pretty knackered by the time we got home. Tomorrow is another day though, and we'll be out again. I say "we" because marg feels that I'm rather like a child and quite likely to go and play football or something (I'm not), but she's taking no chances and not letting me out of her sight...

Oh, one more thing worthy of mentioning. My daughter and future son-in-law came to visit this morning. They've only put me forward for the London Marathon! I've even got my entry number (17491 from memory)- the little buggers! However, he who laughs last...I still have my "Father of the Bride" speech to write, be afraid Cheryl, be very afraid!