Wednesday, 19 September 2007

The letter

I had a bit of a surprise today. I came home for a spot of dinner and there was a letter waiting for me from the hospital. I have an appointment with Mr Cale (the surgeon) on the 16th of October. I wasn't really expecting that as I already have an appointment with Dr Durham in November. I can't read too muc into it as I have little idea of what's going to happen, but it shows that things are moving on.

It's strange really, nothing has changed and yet everything has. I've gone from being resigned to a life of continuing with heart pain to hoping that something could be done, to anticipating what life will be like without my old enemy - and yet I still go to work, write up this blog, and life continues as normal. Inside I'm in turmoil. I'm in a mixture of hope and anticipation, and fear and doubts. There's one thing sure, I'm going to make sure I say what I have to say to family and friends before the big day. Come hell or high water, I'm being given another chance. I intend to grab it with both hands, but there is always a little nagging doubt somewhere...

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